Wild weather is a common occurrence in New Zealand and can happen at any time of the year. Taking steps to prepare yourself and your household can help you act quickly when wild weather strikes. Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Get your grab bag ready
Every member of your household should have a grab bag ready with a few essential supplies, such as warm clothes, sturdy shoes, copies of important documents and photo ID. Prepare your emergency kit in advance, including 3 days-worth of long-lasting food and bottled water, a flashlight and any prescription medication. Tailor your emergency kit to the needs of your household. For example, if you have a baby, add baby food to your emergency supplies. If you have pets, you’ll need to think about pet food and any medications for them.
Have a plan
Whether it’s a weather event or a natural hazard event, making a plan with your household or family can be reassuring and can help you act quickly when needed. Agree on a place to meet up in case you are separated or can’t get home. Have a list ready with contact details of close friends or relatives who may want to know you’re safe and who may be able to help. Know where the emergency kit will be stored and who’s in charge of maintaining it. Remember, in an event you may need to turn off the gas, water or electricity, so it’s worth knowing how and where to do this.
Prepare your home
Some basic regular maintenance can help prepare your home for wild weather. Checking your gutters and drains regularly to make sure there are no blockages can help prime them for heavy rain. If anything is loose or rattling, such as windows and door frames, attend to them as soon as you notice them. If wild weather is on the horizon, secure or move inside anything that could cause damage in strong winds, such as trampolines and garden furniture. Checking and clearing nearby street drains can help prevent backed up street water from affecting your property.
Know where to go
Staying inside during a weather event is often the safest option. A sturdy building may be the best place to shelter, whether that’s your home or a nearby building. A basement or a room without windows would provide safety, as glass can shatter and cause injury. If your home doesn’t have a room without windows, close the windows and doors, draw the curtains or shut the blinds and keep away from windows.
Monitor the weather
Stay up to date on the latest weather conditions by checking reliable websites like MetService so that you know when wild weather is forecast and can prepare accordingly. During a weather event, you can keep yourself informed by listening to the radio, going online to check for updates both local and national, and by reading the Emergency Alerts that will come through on your mobile.
Here are a few additional resources to help you prepare:
Get prepared for an emergency » National Emergency Management Agency
Home emergency checklist | New Zealand Government (www.govt.nz)
Natural Hazards Commission Toka Tū Ake's Natural Hazards Portal
Any questions?
Now’s a great time to review your insurance. We recommend checking your details are up to date and ensuring the policy and cover you’ve chosen is right for you and your insurance needs.
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