Fair Insurance Code

AA Insurance is a member of the Insurance Council of New Zealand - Te Kāhui Inihua o Aotearoa. The Insurance Council of New Zealand developed the Fair Insurance Code to set minimum service standards for insurance companies. AA Insurance complies with the Fair Insurance Code.

What is the Fair Insurance Code?

The Fair Insurance Code encourages good conduct and professionalism in the insurance industry and explains how your relationship with your insurer should work. The Fair Insurance Code is a code of practice that:

  • Sets minimum service standards for insurance companies

  • Describes the responsibilities that the customer and the insurance company have towards each other

  • Explains what should happen when you make a claim or complaint

Fair insurance code member logo

How do I get a copy of the Fair Insurance Code?

You can access a copy of the Fair Insurance Code at any time by visiting www.icnz.org.nz/fair-insurance-code/about-the-code or by contacting AA Insurance on 0800 500 213