If you own the home you’re living in, the most we will pay for any one event is $20,000 up to a period of 12 months. If you rent the home you’re living in then the most we will pay for any one event is any increase above the rent you were previously paying, up to a period of four weeks. You can find the full details of how we cover you in our policy documents.
If you need cover beyond what our policies offer, there are agencies outside of AA Insurance who may be able to help with temporary accommodation, such as:
- Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) have temporary accommodation services available for those who need accommodation following the Auckland floods and Cyclone Gabrielle. Whether you need temporary accommodation now, or you think you may need to use this service in the coming weeks or months, they recommend registering for their services on their website now.
- Work and Income NZ have Civil Defence Payments available for a range of regions following the recent weather events. These payments can help cover the costs of accommodation, as well as food, bedding clothing and loss of income. Please visit their website for further information on eligibility and how to apply.
- Ministry of Social Development have introduced North Island Weather Events - Temporary Accommodation Assistance (NIWE TAA) payments for impacted homeowners.